Gallery Art Vision

Commissioned art

Let us create the artwork of your dreams

Looking for a masterpiece that touches your soul and transforms your space ?
Let us amaze you with a unique artwork that fits perfectly in the space you have in mind.
The artwork of your dreams expertly and passionately crafted.

We have deliberately not included examples of commissioned artworks on this page because we respect the privacy of the commissioners.

Having it commissioned a risk ?
Definitely not with us, our motto is not good dab no payment and the deposit will be refunded.

We take the time to incorporate your vision into the commission to come up with a unique artwork .
If you want to take advantage of this unique way to have your artwork made, send us a message with as much information as possible.
Also check out the blog for more information.


What we ask of you

What technique it should be in, the size of the artwork, what is the subject and in what style should it be made.
And what budget can I take into account.

If I have this information, I will make a plan with you and then you will receive a quote from us that you can confirm for approval.

Then we get to work for you.

Tip it is also useful to attach images, so we get a good idea of your requirements.